Mysterious Studies
This section collects the videos and audio created in the Mysterious Studies research/ learning/ storytelling project, as well as some blog posts with additional tips and resources. If you prefer self-study, this section is for you. Feel free to go through the materials at your own pace and according to your own interests.
Join Minnamari's Patreon or Substack to access bonus content such as additional episodes and audio files.
Magic is Here
Mysterious Studies
Video Playlist
Short Videos &
Selected Episodes
Below you can see a selection of short videos and episodes. This list is only updated occasionally, so see the full playlist on youtube or in the section above.

Intention & Disclaimers
Energy is Real

Boundaries are Useful

Here you can browse videos that show practical exercises.

Energy Exercise:
Quick Energy Clearing
with the Breath
Energy Exercise:
Expressive Energy Clearing
with the Body

Energy Exercise:
Clearing and
Connecting to a Space

Knowledge is Overrated
(or Misrepresented)

The Paradox of Perspective
Dreams, Visions and Imaginings

Imagination Exercise:
Connecting to
Your Inner Senses
Imagination Exercise:
Your Inner Space

Written Resources

About Mysterious Studies
Mysterious Studies is a playfully serious research/ learning/ storytelling project focused on sharing realizations made on a journey of learning to listen to inner wisdsom in addition to the mind and to look at life beyond the purely physical levels. This podcast is mainly intended for others who are undertaking a similar journey, or for anyone interested in listening to scattered ramblings about reality, consciousness and life.
The core episodes of Mysterious Studies are free, but if you want to access bonus episodes, you can join Minnamari's Patreon or Substack.
If you want to suggest a theme for an episode or have any other inquiries, leave a message or send an email to
Latest Episodes
(Audio Only)
If you prefer audio-only, you can listen to the Mysterious Studies podcast on all major streaming platforms, on the podcast website on or right here on this website. To add the podcast to an external podcast player, copy the rss-feed: