For the Mystery
of Love

Built upon an attitude of playful exploration, the main mission of Mysterious Studio is to create space for curiosity and contemplation through creative projects and guidance that dance with the themes of mystery, love and multidimensionality.

Currently, the main focus of Mysterious Studio is to support introspective processes by sharing learning materials, guidance and stories through different media such as writings, video and sounds.


We value asking questions, even when it doesn’t result in a clear answer. And particularly when it only seems to breed more questions. We believe that while there is a value in investigating, there is also value in not knowing.

We acknowledge the need for mystery. We view life as inherently mysterious. In addition to the wonders of our known world, we respect the unknown and the possibility that perhaps, everything may not be known...


Unconditional love is radical. It is love for its own sake. We endorse a love that doesn’t force or chain, but simply is. While we acknowledge that there exist energies that may be at odds with our own values, we recognize their place in the whole. Even if we cannot always work together, we can coexist. And yet, even though we hope to coexist, we also have the right to choose what we focus our own energy on. We have a right to aim it in such a way that our actions are in line with our values.

More than a concept, love is an act. We choose to show our love for the world by ensuring that our operations are carried out in a way that is as sustainable as possible, and by sharing creations that advocate a message of radical acceptance and unconditional love.


Our aim is to be a space that has the abililty to hold multiple truths and perspectives at once. Ours is an attitude of open curiosity, which we further share through the creations that we offer. Creativity needs space to grow, and we believe that there is a need for a diverse range of expressions in the world. We try to expand the range of these expressions by allowing a varied set of styles and varied creative works in our space.

A multidimensional point of view includes accepting the strange space that we inhabit ourselves, as a business that should have the goal to make a profit, while at the same time questioning the ideal of eternal growth that our society is built upon. We embrace this tension and see it as a source of inspiration that guides us to stay awake and curious.

My name is Minnamari, and I am the founder of Mysterious Studio. To be honest, I don't know exactly what this space is. And that is exactly the point. I want Mysterious Studio to be a space that can grow into whatever shape it wants to take, at its own pace.

In the beginning, I tried to simply make this website into an online store where I sold prints of my visuals. But something felt off. I did not actually want to do that, at least, not only that. Maybe I simply thought that was what I "should" do, to make money from my art. But that had not been my original intention with Mysterious Studio.

When I heard the name in my mind and bought the domain, I had envisioned a space where I could finally share my what I had learned on my explorations into the inner realms, that I had kept hidden out of a fear of appearing weird.

Today, I don't actually think that this work is that weird. It's just what I feel called to do, and what I enjoy to do. I enjoy doing a lot of things, and I see my mission in this life as taking part in acts of creation, learning and storytelling that are expressed in different forms: stories, visuals, writings, music and in introspective processes with other fellow beings.

So currently, Mysterious Studio is a space where I share different types of stories, creations and learning resources, using the different channels of expression that I have at my disposal.

If you want to explore other things I enjoy doing in addition to Mysterious Studio, you can find a collection of links on my website

Thank you for visiting this space.
I wish you the best on your journey.


About Minnamari

Gemini Sun, Aries Moon, Scorpio Rising.
Human Design: 1/3 Sacral Generator

Just another square in the
rotating disco ball,
dancing through infinite space...

Areas of activity: Teaching & Pedagogy, Visual Design, Website Development, Varied artistic creation (game prototypes, music, writing, storytelling, podcasting, videos, you name it...) And parenting, studying, playing games, wandering and wondering...
Career background: Lecturer in Media Technology at Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden, fulltime for 5 years and now occasionally part-time. House cleaner for (almost) a year.
Formal Education: Human Design Reader Training. Courses in Higher Education Pedagogy. MSc in Informatics with a major in Serious Games. BA in Media Arts, Aesthetics and Narration with a major in Computer Game Graphics, both degrees from University of Skövde, Sweden. Education in classical piano & music theory. Courses and self-study in various areas: mysticism, philosophy, tattoo creation, herbalism, mushrooming, sailing and coastal navigation.

Values/ Design Principles

Welcome to Mysterious Studio