an abstract photo of a curved building with a blue sky in the background

When I use tarot cards, I am mainly using it as a tool that helps me hold up a mirror that makes my own expectations and attitudes more clear. In this way, tarot can be a valuable tool to bring forth additional perspectives. By comparing our own attitudes with the statements of the cards, Tarot can help us see our own position more clearly as our interpretations are deeply affected by our own expectations and beliefs.

Human design can be described as a user manual for the way that your energy works, and can present a new way of understanding yourself and your place in the world. Through the tool of Human Design, you can look deeper into the energetic dynamics of your life: learn the unique way that energy expresses through you, in interaction with others, and when met with the conditioning influence of the world at large.

Accessing Additional Perspectives through Tarot and Human Design


For me, tarot, and other tools for divination, have been valuable for looking at a particular issue or situation from a different perspective than what I usually do. But at the same time, the cards can make it painfully clear what stories my mind is weaving, because there is a kind of mirroring function happening when looking at the cards. We see what we believe, as our perception and interpretations are deeply affected by our attitudes and beliefs.

So when I use tarot cards, I am mainly using it as a tool that helps me hold up a mirror that makes my own expectations and attitudes more clear. The cards don't tell me my fate, but they do tend to point out to me what I myself believe about my "fate". To put it simply, I use the cards as tools in order to bring forth additional perspectives to consider.

When I read for others, I adjust my approach depending on the energy I feel from the other person. I have noticed that some people do want an "outer perspective" that they can compare to, and for this approach I need to give them elaborate descriptions, while others enjoy a dialogue, where instead of me simply describing what I see in the cards, I pose questions that can encourage the person to access their own inner knowing.

The spreads I use are based on transformation processes I experienced in my own life. Before the reading I ask you to include some background information concerning the issue/situation you want to focus on. I will then choose the deck and spread depending on your individual situation.

If this sounds interesting to you, you're most welcome to book a tarot reading with me. I can do the reading totally remotely, where I send pictures and descriptions of the cards straight to your email inbox or messaging app. Or we can meet live over zoom to read the cards together. If you want more information before booking, you can contact me over email or by leaving a message.


Human Design

Human design can be described as a user manual for the way that your energy works that can present you with a new way of understanding yourself and your place in the world.

I am a pragmatic user of the human design system. Basically, I feel called to use it simply because I have witnessed the transformational effects it has had on my own life, and appreciate the usefulness of the new vocabulary that it has taught me. Earlier I only sensed different energies between different people. With Human Design, I have a language through which these things can more easily be observed, understood and communicated. But what I appreciate most is how I have learned new approaches to my decision-making that I feel are more resonant with how my owb body and my energy wants to do things.

I believe that Human Design can be a useful tool for anyone who is curious to look deeper into the energetic dynamics they experience in their life: how their own particular energy works within themselves, in interaction with others, and when faced with larger conditioning influences of the society or community that a person is connected to.

My approach to Human Design is informed by rigorous self-study and experimentation, and the 5+ years of study into occult and esoteric literature and life philosophies. I enjoy finding patterns between different areas of knowledge, which is probably also why I appreciate the mix that exists within Human design: It is a system based on a combination of modern science (Neutrinos, DNA) and ancient knowledge (Astrology, I Ching, Chakra system). In my own studies, I have delved quite deep into all those areas, and now believe that my own studies into these esoteric subjects have served to create a foundation that can bring further depth into my human design explorations.

If you are curious about the different sources that my understanding has been influenced by, you can find a list in the blog post, "My Human Design Background". I am providing this list out of respect for transparency, both so that you can see for yourself whether my particular approach, or the knowledge I have gathered could help fill in some gaps in your own understanding. I am also providing this list so that the precious teachers and works of knowledge I have been lucky enough to access can get the recognition that they deserve.

Feel free to book a Human Design reading through the booking calendar, or connect with me if you would like to learn more before booking. I have also written a blog post, "Beginner's Guide to Human Design" with some advice for anyone just getting started with Human Design, if you would rather start experimenting with Human Design on your own.

Human Design Blog Posts

MY Guidance Approach

When I worked as a university teacher, it slowly dawned on me that I was much more interested in discussing my students’ lives, and in guiding their introspective processes than in keeping our conversations within the frame decided by the course curriculum. In a way, there was nothing wrong with this, as a person’s connection with themselves is very much affecting the way that they will pursue their studies. But in the end, I decided to reduce my time at the university, so that I could instead dedicate more time to these inner explorations, and guiding others who are also curious to look deeper inside.

In pedagogy, I am mostly inspired by the approach of restrained teaching, the concept of threshold knowledge, and by the understanding that the most effective way to open up for the transformative power of learning is by doing so in an open, supportive space. In addition to these approaches from pedagogy I am also deeply inspired by Jungian concepts and approaches.

Threshold Knowledge

Threshold knowledge is a concept that describes the way that accessing new knowledge can result in the walking over a threshold, or opening of a portal into a wholly new way of perceiving the world and our place in it. Through this new view point, the world view of a person may be transformed. The idea of these sessions is that a space is created where you are allowed to test out different ways of perceiving your life, either through discussion, active imagination excercises, or when a reading presents statements that prompt you to encounter previously hidden perspectives.

Communication lies at the heart of everything that I do, and I have found that communication unfolds on various levels. One level that is often overlooked is the need to communicate with ourselves. When starting a new project or changing direction in life, it is helpful to have some awareness about our motives, and whatever beliefs and feelings that we are carrying that will shape the experience. That way, we can adjust the direction so that our actions are more in line with our deeper values. I know how hard it can be to see an overview when deeply immersed in a project or in life overall. My role in this is to offer an outside perspective and to create a space where you can see yourself through additional lenses.

Thanks to the guidance of others, whether it came through books, sessions or random meetings, I have learned my own ways of looking inside, and as I have found deep meaning there, I now want to do my part in helping to guide others who feel called to look deeper inside as well.

Storytelling & Imagination

I am deeply inspired by Jungian concepts and approaches. In my guidance sessions (particularly tarot-readings), I use the approaches of storytelling, active imagination and visualization to bring forth wisdom from the subconscious and personal unconscious, and connect to collective archetypes in order to gain a deeper view of life as connected to the larger whole.

Playful, Supportive Space

The sessions may look very different from person to person, as they are designed in accordance with each person’s individual situation, but in essence, what I am offering is a playful, supportive space for taking a moment to land in your own life.

My guidance is based partly on my own life experience, and partly on the pedagogical knowledge that I learned when working as a teacher, but mostly my guidance is inspired and informed by my own journey of (re)connecting with the inner world, and learning to trust my inner wisdom.

You can book a session through the calendar below. If you're curious about sessions, but want to learn more before booking, you can send an email with your questions to or leave me a message.

Booking Calendar